
The European Diabetes Forum (EUDF) is registered in Brussels as a non-profit organisation under Belgian law and has been founded by the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD), the Foundation of European Nurses in Diabetes (FEND) and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) to bring together multiple stakeholders from across the diabetes landscape in Europe.

Primary Care Diabetes Europe (PCDE), SFD (Société Francophone du Diabète), the International Diabetes Federation Europe (IDF Europe) and the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) joined as well. 
The EUDF has pharma and medical technology companies as supporting collaborators, they joined EUDF under the umbrella of the EFPIA diabetes platform and the MedTech Diabetes Working Group. 

Our Vision

We enable healthcare systems to cope with the diabetes pandemic, while achieving the best possible outcomes for patients.

Our Mission

 Ensure the translation of research into policy actions towards better diabetes care at national level. 

Our History

EUDF was launched as a multi-stakeholder platform in Berlin on the eve of the 54th EASD Annual Scientific Meeting in 2018 to unite stakeholders from across the diabetes landscape in Europe, including policy makers, relevant research and scientific societies, patient organizations, professional healthcare organizations and institutions connected to diabetes related co-morbidities, pharmaceutical partners, relevant medical technology industries, in order to present a united voice on the needs of the diabetes community to governments, regulators, payers and others. At the launch more than 70 committed experts from research, politics, patient organizations, foundations, the medical profession, industry and many more assembled to outline the main objectives, strategy and next steps of the Forum (set out and formalized in the Articles of Association) and agreed a Call To Action. Our aim is not only to have a united voice - which is more likely to be heard – but also to establish a definitive program of goals developed by and involving all our members.

The European Diabetes Forum recognizes diabetes as a complex metabolic disease and is committed to multidisciplinary and holistic diabetes management and treatment. Pharmacotherapy and technology are important cornerstones of the medical approach to diabetes. In addition, non-pharmacological strategies such as physical activity, diet and psychological support are key features of the daily management of diabetes. While we recognize the diversity of available therapies, fundamental to diabetes medicine are the products and services developed by companies working in sectors such as pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Companies develop commercial e-health products and tools which will also contribute to the management and self-care of those with diabetes. 

Articles of Association

Experts from research, politics, patient organizations, foundations, the medical profession, industry and many more assembled to outline the main EUDF objectives, strategy and next steps which were set out and formalized in the Articles of Association. 

EUDF illustration oval shapes

A Call to Action

We call out to all stakeholders in the diabetes landscape, on a European and national level, to collaborate to advance the agenda of diabetes and advocate for policy change. Unite behind this Call to Action which outlines the urgent and problematic diabetes situation in Europe, the underlying causes, and the directions for solutions. Together we need to enable healthcare systems to cope with the diabetes pandemic.