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EUDF Spotlight Session at EASD 2024 in Madrid
AI-Driven Clinical Decision Support Systems: Potential, concerns and what should it bring to people living with diabetes?
12 September 2024, 14.00 – 14.45
In this session, the potential and concerns of AI driven clinical decision support systems were discussed by Stefano Del Prato, Peter Schwarz and Alfonso Galderisi. The consensus statements of the EUDF working group were presented. Alfonso Galderisi highlighted the potential of AI in diabetes management and Peter Schwarz presented some existing AI implementations such as Mebix in Germany and Doctors AI in India, as a model how to use AI in the hands of healthcare professionals to improve diabetes care.
Main messages of the session were:
- AI driven clinical decision support systems should facilitate patient-centered care and empower healthcare professionals.
- AI requires robust regulation and privacy safeguards, data standards and sharing, optimal clinical data capture.
The EUDF recommendations on AI driven clinical decision support systems will be published soon.
Early Detection Policy Forum
organised by EUDF, IDF Europe, PDGN, FEDE, Sanofi
11 September 2024
EUDF, in collaboration with the co-organizing partners IDF-Europe, Federación Española de Diabetes (FEDE), Parliamentarians for Diabetes Global Network (PDGN) and Sanofi, fostered this event to raise awareness on changes needed to ensure access to screening programs for Type 1 diabetes across the world by establishing a Early Detection Policy Forum.
This unique event brought together government representatives, policy makers and key patient associations from across the world, fostering a rich conversation on how to join forces and innovate the field of T1D detection and management. EUDF fully supported this initiative as was represented by different members: Pinar Topsever (PCDE), Sufyan Hussain & Tadej Battelino (IDF Europe), Chantal Mathieu (EASD) and Bart Torbeyns (EUDF).
To learn more about our work in T1D, please see here.
EUDF Session at EASD 2024 in Madrid
Diabetes Data and Registries: Enabling high quality diabetes care
11 September 2024, 14.00 – 16.00
In the EUDF symposium, Kamlesh Khunti presented the recent EUDF recommendations on data registries to introduce the session. Stefano Del Prato chaired the session on the different roles registries play in research and diabetes care with Juliana Chan sharing best practices from Hong Kong, Katarina Eeg-Olofsson from Sweden, Olga Prof. Dr. Kordonouri from SWEET, and Anette Ziegler from the European Pre-T1D Registry. The insights from the Monday workshop were presented by Robert Heine who also moderated the round table.
Chantal Mathieu chaired the session on the policy perspectives that different stakeholders have on data and registries. Dr Jill Farrington from WHO EURO presented how they plan to measure and monitor progress towards the global diabetes targets, Massimo Massi Benedetti from the EU Commission’s Collaborative Health Information European Framework (CHIEF) project gave an update on its activities, the Joint Action JACARDI project initiated by the European Commission was introduced to the diabetes community by the Work Package Leader Héctor Bueno, who presented the objectives of the work package on data availability, quality, accessibility and sharing.
Finally, Carla Torre provided the European regulator’s perspective on data registries and RWE for regulatory decision-making and how these registries can complement insights from randomized clinical trials.
EUDF Session at ATTD 2024 in Florence
8 March 2024, 09.30 – 10.30
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AI Driven Clinical Decision Support Systems: potential, concerns and what to expect?
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the diagnosis, assessment and treatment of diabetes and its associated cardiometabolic complications is an emerging area of healthcare research and application, that can drive a paradigm shift in the way diabetes care is provided, with the dual objective of minimizing treatment inertia and optimising outcomes for PwD. If the potential for AI in healthcare is realized, it will drive a paradigm shift in the care of people with diabetes, delivering data-driven solutions for disease prediction and management.
A new working group of the European Diabetes Forum investigates this technology as it relates to diabetes, including understanding the possibilities and predicting the scenarios in which AI can improve the delivery of diabetes care and improve outcomes for PwD, as well as increasing the capabilities of diabetes services and HCPs. This includes understanding the limitations of AI technology and the hurdles that must be overcome in delivering these benefits. In this session representatives of the working group will report and discuss the initial findings.
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EUDF Spotlight Session at EASD 2023 in Hamburg
6 October 2023, 10:45 - 11:15
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European elections 2024: the role of EUDF and the diabetes community in raising diabetes on the policy agenda
During the EASD Annual Meeting 2023, the diabetes community pledge for the European elections in June 2024 was presented. This is the first time that the European diabetes community has worked together in a structured way to develop common asks for policy makers.
Stefano Del Prato stressed the importance of engaging with candidates for the European elections and proposing them concrete actions they can take to optimise the outcomes for people living with diabetes.
Niti Pall chaired the working group that developed the Diabetes Community Pledge and explained the diabetes community's key questions to policymakers, keeping in mind that people with diabetes should be at the heart of all actions and even driving the action where possible.
The core pillars are:
- Early Detection - Ensure timely diagnosis and alert people at risk
- Equitable high-quality care - Provide the right treatment for the right person at the right time
- Empowering People - Address lack of awareness and understanding about diabetes
- Embracing Science and Technology - Harness their untapped potential to deliver effective and tailored care for PwD and those at risk
Finally Bart Torbeyns invited all participants to engage at country level with the candidates for the European elections. He explained EUDF is developing a toolkit to facilitate that engagement and that the pledge will be translated in German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Dutch, Romanian. Now it’s a good moment to start defining your actions at country level and sharing this common work as widely as possible. We need all of you!
EUDF Symposium at EASD 2023 in Hamburg
4 October 2023, 14:00 - 16:00
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From Concept to Coalition:
national responses to the diabetes epidemic
Stefano Del Prato reminded the audience that EUDF was founded as an NGO to bring together multiple stakeholders from across the diabetes landscape in Europe in order to present a united voice on the needs of the diabetes community to governments, regulators, payers and others. EUDF members are relevant research and scientific societies, patient organizations, professional healthcare organizations and institutions connected to diabetes related co-morbidities, pharmaceutical partners and relevant medical technology industries. Similar fora or platforms exist or are emerging at country level to ensure that the relevance of diabetes is recognized on the public and political agenda at country level. Since public health is a shared competence between the European Union and EU countries, action at both levels, national and European, is needed. The EUDF recommends and will support countries to bring together multiple stakeholders from across the diabetes landscape in the country in order to present a united voice on the needs of the diabetes community to governments, regulators, payers and others. The aim is not only to have a united voice - which is more likely to be heard – but also to establish a definitive program of goals developed by and involving all forum members.
During the session we heard the success stories of national collaboration from Italy, France, Romania, Belgium and Germany. Agostino Consoli, Jean-François Gautier, Cornelia Bala, Frank Nobels and Baptist Gallwitz presented how they collaborate with other stakeholders in their country, how the initiative started at the national level and who is involved. They delved deeper into the most important issues for people with diabetes and clinicians and the priorities they have defined for the coming months. Finally they presented a number of very concrete successes and achievements, such a new regulations.
Chantal Mathieu concluded that a continuous bidirectional flow of info and collaboration between EUDF and national fora is of mutual interest and invited the National Diabetes Forums to follow the activities of the EUDF and use the documents as inspiration for local implementation. We provide countries with qualitative documents validated by all members and supporting collaborators of the EUDF. Given that topics such as ‘integrated care’, ‘data and registries’ and ‘self-care, digitalization and technology’ are important topics in many countries, these documents can save time and resources at a national level and serve as a basis for national policy activities.
Breakfast debate in the European Parliament
7 June 2023, 08:30 - 10:00
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European Collaborative effort in Diabetes Research
More than 32 million people live with diabetes in the EU. Diabetes is one of the greatest health challenges of modern times – and this challenge will continue to increase unless we take concrete action and unless we work together.
With this event we highlighted that funding diabetes research is the foundation for future success and better outcomes for people with diabetes.
Watch highlight video
Read event report
Exhibition in the European Parliament
28 February - 2 March 2023
The case for a joint cardiovascular and diabetes health check
Improving population lifestyle choices is not enough to tackle the burden of CVD and type 2 diabetes. However, population-wide screening is not the best option either.
In addition to comprehensive screening already in place, the addition of quick, inexpensive targeted joint cardiovascular and diabetes health checks would be a cost-effective way to improve early diagnosis. It is crucial to diagnose people with CVD or diabetes as early as possible to prevent complications and save downstream costs.
Given the interlinks between CVD and T2D, joint health checks based on common risk factors for both diseases (high BMI, high blood pressure, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, high blood glucose and high LDL cholesterol) are a sensible and cost-effective option for previously identified at-risk individuals.
Event organised under the auspices of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU
12 December 2022
How can we reduce premature and preventable deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases and diabetes? The case for early detection
On 12 December, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) with the Czech Cardiac Society, together with the European Heart Network (EHN), the European Diabetes Forum (EUDF) and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (Efpia) organised an event on ‘’How can we reduce premature and preventable deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases and diabetes? The case for early detection’’. The event was organised under the auspices of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU and hosted by Jakub Dvořáček, Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.
The focus of the event was on the need for implementation of joint cardiovascular and diabetes health checks (which includes cardiovascular and diabetes health checks, including measurements of LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, HbA1c, tobacco use and Body Mass Index (BMI)) at primary care level, to improve early diagnosis.
This measure would be very effective in reducing the amount of people with undiagnosed CVD or Diabetes and enable earlier, safer, more effective treatment and management of these conditions.
Joint IDF Europe / EUDF symposium
7 December 2022
Meeting the diabetes challenge: The role of data registries, integrated care and digital tools in improving lives and outcomes for people with diabetes
Niti Pall welcomed all speakers and participants and reminded the audience you who we are. EUDF was founded as an NGO to bring together multiple stakeholders from across the diabetes landscape in Europe in order to present a united voice on the needs of the diabetes community to governments, regulators, payers and others. EUDF members are relevant research and scientific societies, patient organizations, professional healthcare organizations and institutions connected to diabetes related co-morbidities, pharmaceutical partners and relevant medical technology industries. IDF Europe is a proud member of EUDF and I serve on the board of EUDF since November 2022 as representative of IDF Europe.
Over the course of the past year, we convened experts from across the diabetes landscape to advance fresh ideas and solutions to enhance the quality of diabetes care, and to improve health outcomes and quality of life for all those living with diabetes. The EUDF Strategic Forums have developed specific, achievable policy recommendations in three key areas – integrated care, data and registries, and digitalisation. IDF Europe contributed to the three Strategic Forums and at the event, the IDF Europe experts presented the recommendations to the audience.
EU Health Summit
15 November 2022
EU Health Summit: Towards an EU Health Union
The event built on the stark lessons learned from COVID-19 and we discussed how to go beyond the status-quo in health, seizing opportunities to make positive changes. It was asked what it takes to build a successful EU Health Union centered on people, innovation, and value-based care so that Europeans’ health is better protected and our health systems are performant and resilient.
The EU Health Summit reflected on progress towards reaching the EU Health Coalition’s 2020 recommendations and looked at how we can power the change towards a stronger Health Union.
Change always begins by empowering and partnering with people.
EUDF symposium at EASD 2022
21 September 2022
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Meeting the Diabetes Challenge with Data Registries, Integrated Care and Digitalisation
EUDF policy recommendations launch event
28 June 2022
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Meeting the Diabetes Challenge: The role of Digital Tools, Data Registries & Integrated Care in improving lives and outcomes for people with diabetes
Diabetes is one of the greatest health challenges Europe faces today. Across Europe, 1 in 11 adults lives with diabetes, 61 million people total, with costs to individuals, health systems, and society.
That is why over the past year, the EUDF convened experts from across the diabetes landscape to devise fresh ideas and solutions in three key areas – digitalisation, data registries, and integrated care. Strong and decisive policy action is needed to address the diabetes crisis. Fortunately, we have the tools and strategies to meet this challenge.
On 28 June 2022 we had the pleasure to discuss both in person and online, how advances in digitalisation, registries, and integrated care will promote a more data-driven and person-centric approach to healthcare and diabetes management, and lead to improved outcomes and quality of life for people with diabetes.
Watch launch event recording
Related press articles:
MEPs Mobilising for Diabetes webinar
12 May 2022
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Supporting ambitious Diabetes and CVD Roadmaps in the context of the 'Healthier Together - EU NCD Initiative'
Ten years after a landmark European Parliament Motion for a Resolution on Diabetes, MEPs Mobilising for Diabetes’ co-chairs, MEPs Sirpa Pietikäinen and Christel Schaldemose, with support from the MEP Heart Group, hosted a webinar on May 12 at 8.00-9.00 to explore the progress achieved on tackling diabetes and CVD in the last decade and how an ambitious ‘Healthier Together – EU Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Initiative’ can help achieve the many Resolution’s objectives that are still outstanding.
EUDF Session at ATTD 2022
30 April 2022
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Digitally enabled diabetes care: How to make it a reality?
During the EUDF session at ATTD 2022, Prof. Peter Schwarz presented recommendations on medical apps based on the recently published recommendations from the EUDF Forum on Self-Care, Technology and Digitalisation.
This talk was followed by two presentations on digital diabetes solutions already established in Europe: The Belgium mHealth pyramid which was presented by Marleen Louagie, Head of medical directorate - National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance and Digitally enabled care and the virtual clinic, presented by Henk Veeze, International Medical Director Diabeter.
The session closed with a discussion of the recommendations presented on digitally enabled diabetes care.
EUDF webinar
25 March 2022
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EU NCD Initiative - Healthier Together
EUDF hosted a webinar for country representatives and experts active in diabetes advocacy to inform and update them on the NCD Healthier Together Initiative from the European Commission and to explain the opportunities for engagement with the national government officials.
MEPS Mobilising for Diabetes webinar
25 January 2022
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Improving diabetes outcomes and quality of life for PwD - If not now, when?
The MMD interest group hosted a webinar on 25 January ‘Improving diabetes outcomes and quality of life for People living with Diabetes: If not now, when?’ High-profile diabetes experts and a young diabetes advocate shared insights on what it means to live with diabetes today and addressed the need for, and relevance of, a new diabetes narrative to build back better.
Dr Jill Farrington from the WHO/Europe office presented the Global Diabetes Compact and its implementation in Europe, with the vision of reducing the risk of diabetes and ensuring access to equitable, comprehensive, affordable and quality, treatment and care. The co-chairs, MEP Christel Schaldemose and MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen, underlined that the time to act for diabetes is now and we must act across institutions, regions and countries to recognise the disease as a key priority and provide bold leadership to effect the necessary societal, structural and organisational changes. MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen underlined that the costs of diabetes are being incurred in the wrong place and ‘there is an urgent need to prioritise diabetes awareness, prevention and care to improve health outcomes of a disease that affects 10% of the EU population.’ MEP Christel Schaldemose added that currently there are many health proposals at the EU level that can considerably improve citizens’ lives. ‘I am optimistic because we can do more, and we should do more. Together with the MEPs Mobilising for Diabetes we will work to speed up the process and put diabetes higher up on the political agenda at the European Parliament.’
A wide range of EU policies that can support action on diabetes was presented during the webinar. However, the newly launched EU Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) initiative – Healthier Together was of particular interest to speakers and the audience. The initiative aims to support Member States in their efforts to reduce the burden of NCDs such as diabetes, addressing socio-economic and environmental determinants of health. The diabetes community, together with the MMD interest group, will continue working closely with the European Commission, Member States and international organisations, to provide further input to the NCD Initiative and to co-create a Diabetes Policy Roadmap that will support Member States to build back better and fairer.
23 November 2021
Screening for type 1 diabetes: Why is it needed?
With this webinar, we are looking at engaging world leading experts of T1D screening, as well as patients, policy makers and other stakeholders to help us to discuss the inclusion of screenings for pre-symptomatic type 1 diabetes into the standard care service catalogue. Together we will discuss the importance of national screenings for type 1 diabetes, the health economic benefits of screening and the patient perspective.
EUDF/EFPIA webinar
9 November 2021
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Towards a more integrated care model for people living with NCDs
Managing a public health crisis effectively is not simply about controlling the spread of a virus. For people living with one or multiple chronic diseases, pandemics such as COVID-19 bring severe synergistic impacts, which require a more nuanced and comprehensive approach to how we manage diseases, particularly in times of crises. We will dive into integrated care models and how they can help Member States better protect the health of vulnerable communities – such as people living with diabetes – both in crises and beyond.
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EUDF Symposium at EASD 2021
29 September 2021
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It takes more than just a registry to improve care
How can we use data to raise awareness? How can we initiate action to improve the outcomes for people with diabetes? These are the questions which have been discussed during the EUDF symposium at the virtual EASD Annual Meeting 2021.
The European Diabetes Forum’s observation is that there are several registries that have provided valuable scientific data leading to important publications. Sadly, the learnings from these registries haven’t been sufficiently applied to measurably improve diabetes care. We need the recognition by healthcare decision makers that changes are needed and the authority to initiate the development of a local/regional data registry led and managed by a dedicated team with the mandate to drive change where needed to improve the well-defined and agreed upon outcomes of care.
At the session these recommendations where discussed with policymakers and experts and the proof of concept was illustrated with best practices from Sweden and SWEET. During the panel discussion the advantages of a better use of data and registries where discussed.
Watch key messages video
Watch full session recording
EUDF Session at ATTD 2021
4 June 2021
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Self-care, digitalisation and technology: how to scale up and promote best practices?
What role can digital technologies play in improving the quality of care for people with diabetes? How can European and national decision makers enable better care for people with diabetes through digital health? What are some of the hurdles that stand in the way of exploiting the full potential of digital health solutions? These are a few of the major questions which have been discussed during the joint EUDF symposium at the virtual ATTD Conference 2021.
The European Diabetes Forum’s dual vision is to help European healthcare systems manage the diabetes epidemic, while achieving the best possible outcomes for people with diabetes. Digital health is an important part of the solution for both of these mandates. The benefits of digitalisation for diabetes resides both in the promise that it will improve the outcomes and management of care, and also that it will help people with diabetes lead a better quality of life.
Watch key messages video
Webinar hosted by EFPIA Diabetes Platform and EUDF
25 May 2021
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Unlocking the potential of the European Health Data Space to improve diabetes management
Managing a public health crisis effectively is not simply about controlling the spread of a virus. For people living with one or multiple chronic diseases, pandemics such as COVID-19 bring severe synergistic impacts, which require a more nuanced and comprehensive approach to how we manage diseases, particularly in times of crises.
The multidimensional threat created by the interaction between COVID-19 and other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, has illustrated the great potential of health data registries and the European Health Data Space (EHDS) to strengthen chronic disease management and health systems resilience. As the number of people living with chronic disease keeps growing, such efforts will be essential to protect the health of these populations – both during syndemics, and in regular times.
In this webinar, our panel deep-dives into questions such as:
- What – concretely – is the syndemic threat created by COVID-19 and chronic diseases?
- What has COVID-19 taught us on the potential of data registries for syndemic management and health systems preparedness?
- What policy measures are needed to unlock the full potential of the EHDS to improve diabetes management and prevent complications?
Webinar hosted by MEP's Mobilising for Diabetes
25 February 2020
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Blueprint for Action on Diabetes in the European Union by 2030
Webinar launching the MEPs Mobilising for Diabetes Blueprint for Action on Diabetes in the European Union by 2030 with MEPs Sirpa Pietikäinen, Christel Schaldemose, Marisa Matias and Cristian Busoi.
These are the priorities and recommendations: reduce the risk, integrate care, enable access to quality care. To enable this there is a need to engage & involve people with diabetes, harness the power of digitalisation and data and conduct research into all types of diabetes.
After the presentation of the blueprint, Bastian Hauck moderated a panel discussion with Jill Farrington (WHO Europe), Cajsa Lindberg (diabetes advocate), Ioana-Maria Gligor (DG SANTE, European Commission), Niti Pall (IDF Europe), Chantal Mathieu (European Diabetes Forum), Marisa Matias & Sirpa Pietikäinen (European Parliament), Tobias Wiesenthal (DG CONNECT, European Commission) and João Filipe Raposo (Portuguese Diabetes Association).
Read the webinar report
Read the blueprint summary
View the MMD website for more resources
Webinar hosted by EFPIA
20 November 2020
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From silo budgeting to financial integration: Where does the EU stand in diabetes care?
Lessons learned from an EFPIA/The Economist Intelligence Unit study
Integrated diabetes systems, comprising horizontal and vertical integration, present an opportunity to reduce the fragmentation of care, ultimately increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of diabetes services. The following calls to action are based on a scorecard benchmarking the level of service, IT and financial integration in 28 European countries, plus discussions with experts in diabetes management and integrated services.
These are the policy priorities for achieving effective and efficient integrated diabetes systems:
- Engage people with diabetes to put them at the centre of integrated diabetes services
- Align or pool budgets to enable clinical integration, reduce fragmentation and deliver patientcentred care
- Establish evaluation mechanisms to facilitate continuous monitoring and improvement of integrated diabetes systems
Webinar hosted by IDF Europe
17 November 2020
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How to build a better future for diabetes nurses in Europe?
Every year, World Diabetes Day (WDD) is a great occasion to raise awareness of the escalating health threat posed by diabetes at the European, national, and local level. Diabetes remains a huge and ever-increasing challenge in Europe. We need integrated care for better health services for European citizens. Diabetes needs to be higher up on the political agenda and diabetes nurses deserve greater recognition in Europe.
IDF Europe organized its first virtual symposium hosted by MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen and MEP Christel Schaldemose. The first session consisted of a case study on the situation of diabetes nurses in Germany, presented by Dr. Gottlobe Fabisch, Director, Verband der Diabetes-Beratungs- und Schulungsberufe in Deutschland e.V. (VDBD). The second session, chaired by Ms. Anne-Marie Felton, President, Foundation of European Nurses in Diabetes (FEND) and Professor Nebojsa Lalic, Vice-Chair of IDF Europe presented the highlights of the FEND survey on The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Diabetes Specialist Nurses in Europe and of the IDF Europe Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on people with diabetes. Results of the surveys were shared by Dr. Rita Rita Forde, FEND Research Fellow, King’s College London, and Ms. Sabine Dupont, IDF Europe Senior Consultant, Policy and Projects. The re-establishment of the MEP Interest Group on Diabetes, MEPs Mobilising for Diabetes (MMD), was also announced. It will be launched officially in January on the first day of the Centenary of Insulin campaign.
Watch the webinar recording
EUDF Symposium at EASD 2020
23 September 2020
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Digital Health: Hope for diabetes in an uncertain and challenging world?
What role can digital technologies play in improving the quality of care for people with diabetes? How can European and national decision makers enable better care for people with diabetes through digital health? What are some of the hurdles that stand in the way of exploiting the full potential of digital health solutions? These were a few of the major questions up for discussion at the EUDF Symposium, which was held as part of the virtual EASD Annual Meeting on 23 September, 2020.
As the Chair of the EUDF Chantal Mathieu explained, the European Diabetes Forum’s dual vision is to help European healthcare systems manage the diabetes epidemic, while achieving the best possible outcomes for people with diabetes. Digital health is an important part of the solution for both of these mandates. The benefits of digitalisation for diabetes resides both in the promise that it will improve the outcomes and management of care, and also that it will help people with diabetes lead a better quality of life.
Watch the symposium highlights
Watch the full sympsium recording
Read the symposium report
Webinar hosted by EFPIA
18 September 2020
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Understand diabetes, rethink diabetes, share solutions - Are we doing the best we can for the 60 million Europeans living with diabetes?
Diabetes is Europe’s silent health pandemic, but is the diagnosis, treatment and management of diabetes getting the focus it deserves? Patients endure the relentless task of managing their disease, acutely aware that it develops and changes over time, with connected diseases emerging possibly later in life, such as amputations, heart attacks or strokes.
At the same time, health systems are not currently set up to prioritise chronic conditions and improve outcomes for people living with diabetes. It is time to rethink how diabetes care is delivered.
Watch the webinar recording
Webinar hosted by EFPIA & EUDF
11 June 2020
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Diabetes and COVID-19: when two pandemics meet - Rethinking health systems: integrated care and empowerment of primary care
While COVID-19 is particularly challenging for at-risk groups like people living with diabetes, it has accelerated integration of care and uptake of digital health. In this virtual event, experts explored what we have learned from the current crisis and how we might improve diabetes care in future as a result.
Moderated by Nick Fahy, Researcher in Health Policy and Systems at Oxford University, the event featured the following speakers:
- Chantal Mathieu, Chair EUDF
- Bastian Hauck, IDF Europe; CEO, Dedoc Labs GmbH
- Sara Cerdas, Member of the European Parliament
- Francesc Xavier Cos Claramunt, Chairman Primary Care Diabetes Europe
- Maurizio Guidi, Co-Chair of the EFPIA Diabetes Platform; External Engagement Leader Lilly Diabetes